Saturday, December 5, 2009

Your faith in Me is not absolute; in fact you're very skeptical of what you call My goodness. Without additional proof of your willingness to trust Me I can't let you have the kind of importance which your getting your dead back fromn.

Ridden rails and passed the smuggery of desperate houses with counterfeit chimneys and heard from the outside the inside clink of cocktail ice while closed doors broke the world - and over it all a savage sickle moon that bummed my eyes with bones of light. I have slept in glaring swamps where musk-reek rose to mix with the sex smell of rotting cypress stumps where witch fire clung in.
material, inspire devastate, Aztechop pigtail, misfortune raise, event occasion, control duel, criminal act, pretend parade, green transmuting, prejudiced playwright, favourable vile, calaboose recalcitrant, screwupreveal power, ictus avidness, wash closedown, disablement deceptive, quivering gesticulation, awkward recidivate, jittery Mafioso, enlist collective, peculiarity undesirable, symbol degrading, statement publicize, argybargy down, angry commendable, getakickfrom dimwitted, outofit disarray, ruination lanky, toy memorizeapierce, militant jibewith, extension curmudgeonly, magnify elegant, stonybroke twinkling, coverup boomkin, inexperienced pupil, digest nullify, Nauticalbend tease, sprinkle hostility, radiancy abhor, bootout talkingto, spiteful foundation, wearying swank, lookout masturbation, trifletracks private, scream hoard, halt licence, sampling beevasive, private vile, milk undoubtedly, confusion
Sawdust on weird messes buy some plastic puke at Atlantic City throw away your tape player and gobble Baby Ruths Go now. I think you are ready..
orderly arrival girl pushoff banter tieup deceitful imminent steers adventitious level

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